"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Proverbs 16:24)

Thank you for visiting us at "The Hallelujah Hive",  We are a family owned Christian ministry/business whose goal is to provide only the best all natural healthy-healing products. You will find that our products help the body to rebuild, rejuvenate, and restore itself in the areas of energy, health (lack of sickness and disease), youth and longevity, mentally, physically and even spiritually. The ministry/business was born right after Mark was diagnosed with an incurable colon disease in 1994. Having been given no hope by the medical establishment, Mark decided to look for a natural alternative method of healing, and he found not only complete healing, but a wonderful world of renewed youth, health and joy. It is our desire to see others experience the same healing and wholeness; to pass on to others whatever information and products we know has been a benefit to us.


Email: HallelujahHive@epix.net

Phone: (570)-401-1353.

Send mail to HallelujahHive@epix.net with questions or comments about this web site, or call (570)-401-1353.

Copyright © 2024 Hallelujah Hive

Last Modified:  September 4, 2024