Merry Christmas! We are taking a break until Jan 25: Online ordering is paused until then. We'll be back soon!

Hallelujah Hive Ear Candles


Ear Candling is an amazing elimination technique and also greatly improves mental clarity, energy and a sense of well-being because it allows the glucose and oxygen to travel through the now clean passage ways and enter into the brain thus restoring neural functions.


Candling is good for chronic or acute ear infections, hearing loss, sinus congestion, ear pain, itching, allergies, ringing (tinnitus), or vertigo (dizziness), and breathing.


This "new" method of caring for our ears has been with us for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Chinese, Greeks, and Egyptians.  Even our own native American Indian tribes used this procedure.


From a personal observation, the Amish tell me that these are the best ear candles they have ever used, since they draw out more wax than candles they have tried in the past.


An instruction brochure is given with each purchase.


Pair of Ear Candles ........ $9.95

Buy 8, get 2 Free  ........... $38.00

Safety Information:  If you have a serious ear disease, tubes in your ears, eardrum damage, or an upper repertory infection, consult a physician before you attempt this process.


Legal Disclaimer:  Information about this product is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advise provided by your own physician or other medical professional.  In the event you use the information provided without your doctor's approval, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your Constitutional right, but we assume no responsibility.


The user of this product accepts full responsibility.  Manufacturers and sellers are not responsible for any accidents or results of misuse of ear candles.  We know you will be most pleased with the results of properly using ear candles.

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site, or call (570)-401-1353.

Copyright © 2024 Hallelujah Hive

Last Modified:  Nov 4, 2024